I Love to Go to Primary
Sheet Music – Children
I Love to go to Primary was written mostly for the younger kids. The words are easy and repetitive. It can also be used as a get the wiggles out song. The last verse is about being reverent.
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I Love to go to Primary was written mostly for the younger kids. The words are easy and repetitive. It can also be used as a get the wiggles out song. The last verse is about being reverent.

“I Love to go to Primary” was written mostly for the younger kids. The words are easy and repetitive. It can also be used as a “get the wiggles out” song. The last verse is about being reverent.

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I love to go to Primary,
Each Sabbath day to Primary
. My teachers greet me at Primary,
I love to go to Primary.
I love to sing in Primary
That Jesus loves me in Primary.
I’ll sing my best in Primary,
I love to sing in Primary.
I love to learn in Primary
Of Jesus Christ in Primary.
To choose the right in Primary,
I love to learn in Primary.
I can be reverent in Primary,
My feet are quiet in Primary.
My arms are folded in Primary,
I can be reverent in Primary.

Composer: Cydney Van Duker
Cydney was born into a very musical family and has been singing and performing with her 5 sisters as long as she can remember. She started playing the piano and cello at an early age and studied music at BYU. She has been part of various string and singing groups throughout her life. She started composing music about 15 years ago and enjoys bringing joy to others through music.