Jesu, Son of God
Sheet Music –
This joyous lullaby is easy and fun to sing. The women sing the first verse, the men sing the second verse and everyone sings the third verse and choruses. This song celebrates the birth of Jesus; born in a manger, the Chosen One, the Son of God; and singing hosannas! It starts out with 2 sharps and moves to 4 sharps, but isnt too difficult for the accompanist. This would be a great Christmas song for an adult, or youth choir.
Price: $1.50
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This joyous lullaby is easy and fun to sing. The women sing the first verse, the men sing the second verse and everyone sings the third verse and choruses. This song celebrates the birth of Jesus; born in a manger, the Chosen One, the Son of God; and singing hosannas! It starts out with 2 sharps and moves to 4 sharps, but isnt too difficult for the accompanist. This would be a great Christmas song for an adult, or youth choir.

. This joyous lullaby is easy and fun to sing. The women sing the first verse, the men sing the second verse and everyone sings the third verse and choruses. This song celebrates the birth of Jesus; born in a manger, the Chosen One, the Son of God; and si

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Jesu, baby in a manger small.
Jesu, born to be the Lord of all.
New star springing, angels singing,
Jesu in a manger small.

Jesu, baby in a manger small.
Jesu, born to tbe the Lord of all.
Sing Hosanna! Sing Hosanna!
Jesu, born the Chosen One.

Sing Hosanna to the Lord.
Sing Hosanna, Jesus is born!
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna,
Jesus the Savior is born.

Jesu, King of Glory, Son of God
Jesu, come to us from heaven above.
All the world rejoicing,
Praise to Him we’re voicing!
Jesu, Son of God.

Sing Hosanna to the Lord,
Sing Hosanna, Jesus is born!
All the world rejoicing,
Praise to Him we’re voicing!
Jesu, Son of God.

Jesu in a manger,
Jesu, chosen one.
Jesu, Son of God!

Composer: Cydney Van Duker
Cydney was born into a very musical family and has been singing and performing with her 5 sisters as long as she can remember. She started playing the piano and cello at an early age and studied music at BYU. She has been part of various string and singing groups throughout her life. She started composing music about 15 years ago and enjoys bringing joy to others through music.